About the header photos
Last edited on January 10, 2006
Perhaps you wonder about the photos of which parts are taken for the header pictures of my weblog. They have been taken on two trips I did in the last years, one to Paris in France, the other one to Alicante in Spain.

The basilika with that wonderful gargoyle is the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre in Paris (France).
The picture of the flower was taken in the beautiful Parc Floral de Paris. If you go to Paris be sure to visit it! The entrance fee is only 0.75 Euro, and it is really more pleasant than the quite disappointing park of the Château de Versailles (for which you have to pay 3 Euro. The park only, of course; admission for everything will cost you at least 20 Euro, and you still have to get there (usually by train). I recomment to spend the time and money on another day in the Louvre instead, or rather even three days for that amount of money).

The fortress on the hill is the Castillo de Santa Barbara in Alicante (Spain).
I want to thank Manuel and Daniel who have lent me their cameras! That was very kind of you.