Music Archives for March 2025
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Main Functions:
Entries By Category:
- AI web scraping running wild
- Pushing the logic to the data – Running Dydra's revisioning algorithm within RonDB's data nodes
- Got my German Class A amateur radio license
- uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
support for the LED matrix of the M5Atom Matrix - uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
built-in LED of the M5Atom Lite - uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
new version published - uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
controlling relays connected to I2C via a PCF8574 - uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
Stand-alone uLisp computer (with code!) - uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
temperature sensors via one wire - "Curl/Wget for uLisp"
Or: An HTTP(s) get/post/put function for uLisp - Again more features for uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
time via NTP, lispstring without escaping and more space - More features for uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
flash support, muting of the speaker and backlight control - StumpWM: vsplit-three
- uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32)
- 20 years' anniversary for SBCL
- Motto: Our LISP is COMMON LISP
- On the different versions of the
ANSI Common Lisp Standard X3.226-1994 - Original IBM 3-ring binders
- No tweet for you!
- Physical dimensions of ANSI Common Lisp
- But what sort of science?
- The optimum population
- Happiness is never grand
- Feeling
- Lose the world for a glance
- Forth insertion sort
- Alex Wenger, Max-Gerd Retzlaff:
The Invisible Tree - »uoısuǝɯıp ɹǝɥʇo««
- Max-Gerd Retzlaff, Alex Wenger:
Tannenbaum braucht Zuwendung - GPN8-Plakat fertig! \o/
- Earth
- :-(
- photofont.lisp
- Using an Image Viewer as a Presentation Program,
Image Correction in Batch Mode (Using The GIMP) - Vortrag:
Geschichte des Schriftsatzes und des Buchdruckes - The single most important truth about mankind
- Fettered with too great a range of possibilities
- Too much spam!
- "I'd like to be a desert plant."
- "Nicht glücklich sein, höchstens zufrieden"
- "Warm on the outside"
- Wahnidee Wirklichkeit
- "I see only murk. Murk outside; murk inside."
- Zucchini-Spitzpaprika-Putenfilet-Curry mit Nudeln
- A European, please!
- Broccolinudeln mit Schinkenwürfeln und Parmesan
(für 2 Personen) - Maultaschen, scharf mit Schinkenwürfeln
(für 1 Person) - Eine Art Ratatoille mit Feta und Ciabatta
(für 1 Person) - Nudeln mit braunen Champignons
(für 2 Personen) - Rhetorische Meisterleistung
- Strukturierte Besessenheit
- LED Cube Modeller, Paraflows edition, and
Hacking OpenGL (in Lisp) - "Konkrete Erfahrung der Freiheit"
- Aischylos, Die Perser
- Wissenschaftsdefinition
- "Tatsächliches Sein"
- Fauxpas
- "Mich verwirren will das Irren"
- Hermaphroditen, Ovid
- "Am I missing something here?"
- Dem ganzen Staat helfen
- Das eigene Leben
- Nietzsche
- "Größtes irdisches Glück"
- Houellebecq, Elementarteilchen
- Zu anspruchsvoll!
- Hesses Steppenwolf über das Bürgertum
- "Wo weiland das Plakat Prestige pappte"
- Changing Courier and Postfix to use crypted passwords stored in a mysql database (without saslauthd and PAM)
- LED Cube Modeller, 22C3 Edition
- A.L. Kennedy, Paradise
- "Intensiv leben kann man nur auf Kosten des Ichs."
- Newton's Birthday Eve
- Eschbach, Carr, Hesse
- Lauch-Käse-Hackfleischsuppe
- JACK-Input-Plugin für XMMS
- Conditional Commands (And Sheets) Extension for McCLIM
- Pattern Recognition, Nachtrag
- Mein neuer Reisepaß
- Andrew Lloyd Webbers Musical:
The Phantom of the Opera - "Feeling the diaphragm responding slightly to the bottom end of the music"
- On Translations of Le Fantôme de l'Opéra
- 9-fach VGA-Multiplexer
- GPN4-Vortrag: Musik- und Audioprogramme unter Linux
- Gläser reparieren
- Adieu Tullabad
- MIDI-USB-Adapter
- Die Dolmetscherin, Kidman im Uni-Kino, Zwiebelfisch
- Acclaim at the European Lisp Meeting
- Kein Tullabad mehr in absehbarer Zukunft?
- O.G. - or - the Angel of Music
- Take it easy, Dude!
- About the header photos
- How to contact me
- Older entries...