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Pushing the logic to the data – Running Dydra's revisioning algorithm within RonDB's data nodes

July 23, 2024, Lisp
Last edited on July 26, 2024

July 23, 2024. News release.

Datagraph GmbH, Berlin. – We are working on ways to distribute not just data storage, but also query processing. Dydra, our graph database, can use a RonDB NDB Cluster as storage backend for large repositories of billions of triples. We discussed with Mikael Ronström of RonDB and Hopsworks how we could improve our use of RonDB and its advanced features, and proposed to investigate how extensions to the RonDB interpreted code language could make it possible to move our revision visibility test from the core of our graph database system to an implementation that runs in RonDB's data nodes. That would distribute the processing load and reduce the transferred data.

That is, we could push the test to the data instead of having to pull all data to the test.

In Dydra, all data can be revisioned. For that, each statement can have a vector of revision ordinals associated with it to describe its visibility, and thus its full history. Now, if the revision visibility test ran in the data nodes already, queries that involve scans over the data will fetch only those statements that match the specified revision and the visibility information will not leave the data nodes, greatly reducing the data that has to move.

In recent weeks, Mikael not only implemented the minimal set of our proposal but took it as a opportunity to overhaul the interpreted code language greatly, adding dozens of new commands, changing the instruction format to allow for even more commands, supporting both full and partial reads of data columns into memory and than copying out parts of that data into registers of the register machine, and more. This will allow for interesting new optimizations of many applications based on RonDB.

Max-Gerd Retzlaff of Dydra and Datagraph implemented a nifty little compiler on top of the interpreter that allows to write NDB interpreted code for RonDB in more high-level Lisp code rather than NDB interpreted code (NDB IC) instructions for the virtual register machine that runs the NDB IC instructions. So you can write your logic with high level conditionals such as IF, WHEN and COND (which is Lisp's IF..ELSEIF..ELSE construct) rather then having to define labels and using branch and jump instructions which are more in the fashion of writing assembly.

At the same time, this Lisp NDB IC Compiler can not only compile to NDB interpreted code instructions but also to regular Common Lisp. This allows for testing and debugging of algorithms within the Lisp development image with all its tooling available, and to shift over to NDB IC instructions only when new code passed all tests.

Max used the new compiler to reimplement, and test, Dydra's revision visibility algorithm, which is based on binary search with a number of corner cases, to directly work on the visibility data stored as a VARCHAR column in RonDB.

Data that used to be opaque to RonDB and had needed to be retrieved from the data nodes and interpreted by the Dydra query processor, is now analyzed by NDB interpreted code within the RonDB cluster already.

More information and detailed performance testing to follow. Availability

The Lisp NDB IC compiler is part of a development branch of CL-NDBAPI, our Open Source Common Lisp bindings to the C++ NDB API of RonDB, available at

This branch currently bases on the preview version rondb-22.10.97 of RonDB, that is made for the pull request "RONDB-671: Add a set of new instructions to interpreter making it more complete" at These changes are scheduled to be in the RonDB 24.10 development tree in late August.

Our work will be made available in CL-NDBAPI's repository at when the work on of the new RonDB branch and in turn our development version has been stabilized.

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