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Lisp Archives for December 2021

uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
support for the LED matrix of the M5Atom Matrix

December 9, 2021, Lisp
Last edited on December 14, 2021

I got a good friend join the uLisp fun and he extended my support for the single LED of the M5Atom Lite to support the 25 LEDs of the M5Atom Matrix. The single LED has just the same interface as the LED matrix, as expected.

Thanks, Thorsten!

It has a nice backwards compatible interface, the functions atomled (for C) and atom-led (for Lisp) just have a new second argument index, which is 0 by default, for the first— or, in case of the M5Atom Lite, only—LED.

The C function you can call like this:

/* or: */
atomled(0x00ff00, 23);

where 0x00ff00 describes a RGB color in 32 bits.

And the uLisp function you can call very similarly like this:

(atom-led #xffff00)
#| or: |#
(atom-led #xffff00 23)

I have merged it to my repository ulisp-esp-m5stack already. Activate the new flag #define enable_m5atom_led_matrix in addition to #define enable_m5atom_led to use the whole LED matrix of the M5Atom Matrix instead of just the first LED.

See also built-in LED of the M5Atom Lite.

uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
built-in LED of the M5Atom Lite

December 8, 2021, Lisp

I just published support of the M5Atom Lite LED at ulisp-esp-m5stack.

There is a C function that you can call like this:


where 0x00ff00 describes a RGB color in 32 bits.

And a uLisp function that you can call very similarly like this:

(atom-led #xffff00)

Activate #define enable_m5atom_led to get it. That will also automatically init_atomled(); in setup() after booting the ESP32.

I have actually tried the libraries FastLED (by Daniel Garcia, version 3.4.0), Easy Neopixels (by Evelyn MAsso, version 0.2.3), and NeoPixelBus (by Makuna, version 2.6.9) as well, but settled to use the library Adafruit NeoPixel (by Adafruit, version 1.10.0). It is small, doesn't have tons of bloat, works for me and has a nice interface that makes my implementation so tiny you would think it was almost no work.

uLisp on M5Stack (ESP32):
new version published

December 6, 2021, Lisp
Last edited on July 26, 2024

I got notified that I haven't updated ulisp-esp-m5stack at GitHub for quite a while. Sorry, for that. Over the last months I worked on a commercial project using uLisp and forgot to update the public repository. At least I have bumped ulisp-esp-m5stack to my version of it from May 13th, 2021 now.

It is a—then—unpublished version of uLisp named 3.6b which contains a bug fix for a GC bug in with-output-to-string and a bug fix for lispstring, both authored by David Johnson-Davies who sent them to my via email for testing. Thanks a lot again! It seems they are also included in the uLisp Version 3.6b that David published on 20th June 2021.

I know there David published a couple of new releases of uLisp in the meantime with many more interesting improvements but this is the version I am using since May together with a lot of changes by me which I hope to find time to release as well in the near future.

Error-handling in uLisp by Goheeca

I am using Goheeca's Error-handling code since June and I couldn't work without it anymore. I just noticed that he allowed my to push his work to my repository in July already. So I just also published my branch error-handling to ulisp-esp-m5stack/error-handling. It's Goheeca's patches together with a few small commits by me on top of it, mainly to achieve this (as noted in the linked forum thread already):

To circumvent the limitation of the missing multiple-values that you mentioned with regard to ignore-errors, I have added a GlobalErrorString to hold the last error message and a function get-error to retrieve it. I consider this to be a workaround but it is good enough to show error messages in the little REPL of the Lisp handheld.

See also "Stand-alone uLisp computer (with code!)".

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